October 8th, 2011 We have picked tile and paint and made very boring progress on the room that once was a functional bathroom and is rumoured to be one again. Some day. Sigh.
October 9th, 2011 Happy Canadian Thanksgiving! We ate our from-scratch cranberry sauce and decided the ones with the spice were delicious but the straight up cranberries were the clear winner.
October 10th, 2011 A positive id on one of our mystery heirloom apples. These are probably Chestnut Crab Apples or a relation. So a sweet, nice to eat, excellent to bake with, perfect little apple. Apple #13.
October 11th, 2011 Going down the giant slide is something Rebecca is found of.
October 12th, 2011 Made some of the SouthWesternOntarioFoodie’s apple crisp for La Leche League and a fall picnic. I may be slow on my leader applicant writing but the mothers will be well fed under my watch.
October 13th, 2011 Just like that, the last of this year’s tomatoes. Some Jaune Flame, Yellow Pear, and Lemon Drop. Last year we still had some in the garden.
October 14th, 2011 Slides, slides, and more slides. Last fall was about swings, this year its about slides.
Great shots!!
I love the one of her in the tunnel slide…very cool shot!