What a March! In like a lamb and out like a lion weather wise. The second busiest month in our three year history is coming to an end and we have some projects we’d like to share.
Our biggest news is that we are moving ahead with the purchase of 14 acres of farm land and an English style Loyalist barn in Prince Edward County, Ontario. We are planning on having a fantastic kickstarter campaign starting in April so you can help us preserve this historic barn. It has had quite a rough winter.
After quite a bit of work and some help from our friends over at ohmyhandmade and boutiquemama and have a new online shop up and running here on this site. To celebrate this project finally being finished ( it has been a long time coming), we’re giving each customer that checks out with the new shop a pack of french breakfast radishes along with their order.
Last but not least, I have a copy of Gayla Trail’s new book all about growing herbs, Easy Growing, that we’ll be giving away next week. It’s pretty great.
I should have a little more time for the blog this month and have some good posts planned as thanks for such a great month.
Wow. That’s all very exciting.
And I know you haven’t invited us, but we’re coming to visit when the farm is finally yours.
oh you guys are invited! I will need help getting bees set up next year