Lunch is actually my favourite meal, salads, soups, baked beans and especially a good sandwich. We often just serve sandwiches when we have guests, offering up a spread of cheeses, heirloom tomatoes, pesto and what ever else is in season and it’s always a hit. Summertime lunch can often extend well into dinner.
Lately I’ve been serving what what we refer to as a stacked grilled cheese. Great bread, perfect ingredients, stuffed into a cast iron grilled cheese. They’re so good.
Using a loaf of Ace Bakery’s Rosemary Focaccia as the base, I stack
Sun Dried Tomatoes in Oil (cut with a pair of scissors)
Roasted Red Peppers (in strips)
Extra Old Cheddar (the sharper, the better)
Fresh Basil Leaves (washed and ripped)
Fiddleheads (steamed)
Butter the outside of your assembled sandwich
Grill in an evenly heated cast iron pan. After you’ve flipped your grilled cheese, use a second cast iron pan to flatten your sandwich while the second side is cooking. Like a cast iron panini press.
This Italian tasting sandwich can be made with all local and seasonal ingredients here in Ontario and goes well with a fresh salad or simple a side serving of more fiddleheads. You have to enjoy them while they last.
This is my first time using our new cutting boards from Timber Green Woods. They are simply gorgeous, pieced together with different sustainable woods and I’ve been enjoying them so much it’s hard to remember to take their picture.
Yum! Those look so good!!