One of the most common questions I get in August is “how can I tell when I should pick and eat these green tomatoes?”. Lime Salad, Green Grape, Green Zebra, they’re all green and all a little confusing when you’re used to waiting for your tomatoes to turn red (or blue) before enjoying.

It’s actually not that different though and once you figure it out, you’ll always know.
There are a few ways I know when green tomatoes are ready. First I go by feel; It shouldn’t be hard as a rock.
Then there is a more subtle colour change. All the green tomatoes will start out the same green colour as unripe red ones. Then gradually, from the top to the bottom they start turning a brighter hue. The Lime Salad’s go a little darker, the green grapes get brights, and Green Zebra turn a little more yellow, a chartreuse I suppose.

Last but not least you can simply taste one. The green varieties all seem to be quite prolific.
If you bite into an unripe one simply wait another week. You’ll recover.

Ours have started ripening over the last few weeks and it’s lovely to go out and give one a squeeze and feel it give in a bit. My favourite summer salad is tomatoes of whatever variety, lemon cucumbers chopped up, green onions, basil and some olive oil. Beautiful.
I am quite jealous of everyone who’s tomatoes have ripened. Mine are still rock hard and grass green- and I fear that frost will come before my tomatoes change and I will lose all my seeds. I keep testing my green cherries every day to no avail. It makes me sad.