Let’s Wrap This Up: Eco Friendly Gift Wrapping and Etsy Finds
Inspired by Karen’s Christmas pledge over at The Art of Doing Stuff I am trying my hardest to stay ahead of the holiday madness and not over commit myself this year. She’s pledged to be done (DONE!) her christmas preparations by December 4th so she’s free to enjoy the holidays. I’m inspired, but as the […]
DIY Felted Wool Balls for Busy Toddlers
Let me start by saying that my family has a slight wool addiction. We all have thick wool blankets, there’s a pile of wool coats in the porch, we suggest wool CSA’s from Stoddart farms as Christmas gifts, Rebecca has an outstanding assortment of hand knitted hats and wore wool diaper covers in her babyhood. […]
Make Your Own Organic Cranberry Sauce {Enough for both Canadian Thanksgiving and Christmas}
I had a lovely evening out last week with my friend Shana. We went out on the town to a canning class put on by Bernardin in a local church kitchen. Although we’re both becoming rather seasoned canners it’s nice: 1. To have a nice community event to go to. 2. We kind of like hanging […]
Wordless Wednesday: Merry Christmas
Merry Christmas! So thankful to have such a clever little lady and such talented friends to take her picture. Thanks to Nico Oved for the photographs and to paperdollaccesories for the barrette.