We use cloth diapers for Rebecca (and now Robin) and although we get asked about the diapers all the time we also frequently field questions about wipes. We do buy disposables from time to time but 99% of the time we use cloth wipes.
We prefer cloth wipes for a quite a few reasons. For an investment of about 5 minutes every week or two, we have a cost effective and greener choice than disposables. Disposable baby wipes are actually made of a plastic product that is not biodegradable, will do a number on your plumbing if you flush them and unlike diapers are generally not accepted into city organics disposal (like Toronto’s green bin). We also like that we don’t have to do any sorting while changing a cloth diaper, all the dirty laundry goes into the same wet bag and then it all goes into the wash together. Last but not least, even the unscented-sensitive wipes can cause reactions in an allergic baby or caregiver and as our midwife said, “wipes are an invitation to diaper rash and yeast”.
Here is the break down:
We use the little cheap face clothes and have about 4 or 5 dozen. We don’t need anywhere near this many these days but we certainly did for the first few months.
If you don’t already have one (they multiply in your house even if you don’t use them), ask a friend who uses disposables to save you a container.
Start by folding your cloths neatly in half, and then simply roll them up. They should look just like when you first got them.
Then stack in rows in the wipe container, we do 3 rows of 7. We normally have one box upstairs and one box downstairs and I make them up at the same time.
Once your box is full, its time to add the liquid. This is not an exact science. Combine ¼ cup white vinegar and ¾ cups warm tap water. Sometimes I add a drop or two of tea tree oil. Franny decided to help out.
Pour it over the top of the rolled cloths. Close the lid and give a little shake and you’re done.
The liquid will even out and make each cloth just damp. We use them at room temperature but here are some great instructions on how to use them in a wipes warmer out there on the internet.
They will look like this:
We just wash them with the diapers and keep them in a little stack until there are enough clean ones to start again. We use them for everything, just like the disposable ones, diaper changes, washing hands and faces, dusting, wiping off sticky keyboards and telephones, and they’re also really great if you are treating the dreaded thrush.
They will last up to two weeks with out any issues.
A ziplock bag is great to take some out with you, even better is a tiny wet bag. We have an itty ritz reusable snack bag that is absolutely perfect for this.
Hope that helps!
Laura this is great! Thanks so much! As luck would have it, my friend just passed on an empty box to me.
we used your instructions last week with much success, I plan to do it again this week – thanks for the recipe.
Thanks so much for sharing! We just switched to cloth diapers {second child is 6 months old – it took us a while to see the light 😉 } and I’ve been wanting to switch to cloth wipes as well. SUCH a great idea to use those baby waschloths. Especially since we have oodles of them. Thanks again!
I’ve always used a spritz bottle filled with a soap/oil/water mixture and sprayed each wipe individually….but I think I’m going to try your way!
Love it!!
I have a question for you. Will this solution work with hand made cloth wipes? Crocheted wash cloths? I am just now making the switch, been wanting to for a while, but couldn’t bring myself to buy the baby cloths with our budget as tight as it has been lately. But I just got a pattern for crocheted wash cloths and I have a literal ton of yarn and am hoping it will work. Hope to get some help, thanks!
I don’t see why not. That sounds like a great idea Melissa.
How big are these? What size should I cut them to?
Hi Eloise,
They are about 8 inches by 8 inches. Hope that helps.