I am so excited to share this with everyone!
I have a minor twitter addiction and one day decided to tweet my beet recipe at Foodland Ontario. Well, one thing led to another. The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs tracked me down, and to make a long story short, they made this great little video featuring yours truly:
My garden is in October shambles but I love how well it demonstrates just how great and easy it is to grow your own food. Those are touchstone gold beets I’m pulling out of our very hilly front yard in Toronto’s Beach.
I was working on my mac & cheese post when they were here and Rebecca was eating all the tomatoes from this Wordless Wednesday post.
This was shot the day of the last East Lynn Farmer’s market of the season, which is a great urban farmer’s market. Rebecca and I met up with Catherine & Penny and Jen & Poppy and it was a lovely visit filled with baby wearing, Monforte Dairy, buffalo meat, and harassing the guys from Belanger Organic Farms about what can only be called the great beet/milk hypothesis of 2010. My fridge was seriously stocked as we had just picked up our good food box and as a personal highlight, I also had not one, but two varieties of blue potatoes from S Fetts Farm.
There’s a series of these videos on the Ontario Newsroom youtube channel so check them out, and if you’re on twitter you should follow me and everyone involved or featured in this project. I’m thrilled to be in their company:
Laura, , this is the coolest thing! Congrats it looks so great!
you can't beet that video
great stuff laura
andrew p.
dagmar ave
HA! I always like a good vegetable joke