Being a foot deep in snow, it is hard to believe that spring is around the corner.
The first definitive sign for us is always Seedy Saturday and it is coming up in just a few days.
Put together by Seeds of Diversity, Seedy Saturday events happen all over Canada and we’re excited to once again be participating in the Toronto and Scarborough events. We’ll also be at the North York event for the first time.
There will be a huge market place of heirloom seeds, books, great tools and interesting gardening supplies, information from government and non-government organizations, and the biggest seed swap you could ever imagine.
Get there early, garlic and seed potatoes tend to sell out with in the first hour.
Here’s a great photo from last year’s event at the Wychwood Art Barns.
Doesn’t everybody have a huge anti-Monsato banner in their family portraits?
Sunday, February 13th, 2011
12:30pm – 6:00pm
Hart House, University of Toronto
7 Hart House Circle
Toronto, On
Seedy Saturday Scarborough
Saturday March 12, 2011
12:00pm – 4:00pm
Heron Park Community Centre
292 Manse Road
Scarborough, On
North York Seedy Sunday
Sunday, March 27th
1:00 to 5:00
Lawrence Heights Community Centre
5 Replin Road, just off Lawrence Avenue West
North York, On
I wish there was something like this where I lived.
You should start one
Can you get to one in British Columbia to see how they do it?