We lived in Jack Layton’s riding for quite a few elections. We moved one riding over for this federal election and were part of the “Orange Crush”, electing a new NDP MP after years of a Liberal Incumbent.
On the night before the Federal election, we waited in the pouring rain outside Matthew Kellway’s Danforth campaign office for 2 hours. It was important to us to go for many reasons but especially so that Rebecca grows up knowing that politics are import in our family now matter how she ultimately votes.
Now only a few months later we waited for another two hours to see him again. The crowd had quite a few of the same faces, representing so much of Toronto’s diverse population. Although the crowd wasn’t as charged as the first time the energy from the people at Nathan Philip’s Square was incredible.
Family portrait in line at Toronto City Hall. Rebecca was a superstar of patience and was very well behaved when meeting the Layton Family.
Police on Horses, TTC Honour Guard, News Media everywhere, chalk inscriptions in so many languages, and crowds of families. We talked to a couple that had flown in from Saskatoon to be there.
Woke up this morning to this photo of us on Torontoist. We’re looking pretty orange while paying our respects.
We added to the chalk memorials. I’ve never seen anything like it. its been washed away by rain 3 times and springs back up immediately. Even our stick-in-the-mud mayor has been quoted as liking it.
We brought sunflowers from our garden. Rebecca finally reminded us that she is two by crying that she didn’t want to leave the flowers after she put them down. Much to the delight of the entire Canadian Media.
To sum things up I’d like to ask my Canadian readers to take a second and commit to voting. In every election and at every chance offered to them. Additionally, consider formally joining the political party of your choice. Membership in the Federal NDP is as low as $5 for Youth and the un(der)employed and is really a simple way to be involved. Jack would like it.
Very touching. A lovely post.
Thank you for sharing this, such a beautiful post.
i've been watching the funeral on cbc and have been totally overwhelmed by all the emotion. thanks for sharing all the lovely photos. those are some great family portraits in there.
This is such a lovely post. Thank you for sharing. How sad to think of the difference between your two visits with Jack Layton, and so close together, too. I think it's so sad that he had just begun to accomplish what he was committed to doing in Ottawa. It is so moving to see the outpouring of emotion that is happening across our country these days. Thanks again for this post.
A beautiful post – thank you for sharing your experience with us!
Such a sad thing. Beautiful pictures that show the emotion in small gestures. Thanks for sharing.
found you on EBT.
This is very cool. Glad I found you on EBT. I agree, showing our little ones (starting at a young age) what is important to the family is beautiful. Very sad, and the pictures are great.
Thank you for sharing your experiences and pictures! I still don't want to accept that Jack will not be at the opening of Parliament in September, his energy lighting up the building.
I have joined the fed and provincial NDP and am putting my citizenship application together so I can vote here. I also promise that my commitment to better Canada will not stop there.