The combination of sandy soil and full sun means that we are able to grow really nice root vegetables in our front yard here in Toronto. When we’re not growing for seed, we just grow all the different types and colours mixed up so what you pick is a surprise; A striped beet or a purple carrot? Who knows.
Our two year old daughter has taken to announcing that she needs a carrot and then heads to the front door to go get one from the garden. I can’t help but oblige and let her pick a few whether I was planning on having them for dinner or not.
This is really so easy that it hardly qualifies as a recipe but it’s simply too delicious to keep to myself. We bringing carrots to my mother’s every year for Thanksgiving dinner and will continue the tradition this Sunday.
1. Send the two year old out into the yard to pick some different coloured carrots and beets. Going to the farmers market to get some heirloom root veggies will also suffice.
2. Preheat your oven to 425.
Wash your carrots and beets. I cut the greens off but leave a little at the top just because I think it looks good. I cut the really long tails off the beets because they will burn otherwise and then cut them all in half length wise.
3. Coat everything in olive oil, add a little sea salt. Then roast them in the oven at 425 for 40 minutes.
4. Let everything cool down for a few minutes, then crumble feta cheese on to your veggies and add a hardy handful of mint leaves. Toss and serve out of your favorite vintage bowl. I think they look nice in this plaid one.
These are tasty when hot but are also great as a room temperature salad so there’s no hurry to get everything done at the right time.
5. Give thanks for the vegetable gardens and the small children that tend to them.
OOOH! Looks delicous!
Wow, that sounds really good! I've roasted beats with terragon, but not mint. I will have to try it!
Nice…what variety of carrots do you have there?
I love your photos! Always so crisp and bright. I feel like I can pick out a carrot right now for a snack….crunch!