We’ve been packing seeds around the clock getting ready for the most wonderful time of year!
Seedy Saturdays always officially kick off our spring season and we couldn’t be more excited.
Toronto East
Saturday March 9th, 2013
11:00 – 4:00
We love the Brickworks and this is a really fun event. There will be gardening workshops, their regular farmers’ market, the best playground in the city, and so many seeds both for sale and for exchange. If you come, please stop by and introduce yourself.
We always have a great time at Scadding Court too. It’s right downtown and easy to get to and a will have a ton of local gardening vendors and resources.
Toronto West
Scadding Court Community Centre
707 Dundas Street West
Saturday March 16th, 2013
11:00 – 5:00
Take a looks at Seed’s of Diversity’s complete listings for Seedy Saturdays across Canada.
I might drop by for both dates! I can’t wait, I look forward to these every year. I hope you get to bring Robin, it’s so nice to catch up with you. I hope all is well
Also.. I may buy some seeds too hehe.
I would love to see you! there’s a whole new baby this year
This sounds like a lot of fun, we may drive into the city this Saturday for it.
I’ve never been, so I am wondering. Is this a dog friendly place?
Yes, on leash dogs are welcome and there’s a great off leash area http://www.dogpatch.ca
That is great, we like to bring him with us whenever we can. Thanks for the reply!
how do I communicate with you folks. got a gift certificate but have some questions first Please reply
hi Erica, you can find all our contact info at the top of this web site or you can contact us through our etsy shop: http://www.etsy.com/shop/cubits