New in the Shop! Cubit’s Farm & Food Photos on Etsy
Once upon a time, I used to sell my art. Unfortunately I found the whole ordeal extraordinarily stressful. I think back to the stress of openings, the expense of showing in galleries, and enormous effort of the outdoor shows and just shudder. So a few years ago, I decided that I needed a nice long […]
The last of this Season’s Garlic Scapes
This is it, the last of this year’s scapes. I picked them last night, gave a handful to a neighbour who has been eyeing them, had Ryan roast some up with potatoes for last night’s dinner, and this afternoon I’ll turn the rest into this pesto with arugula and kale from the garden. Combined with my […]
project365: week thirty seven September 17th, 2011 – September 23rd, 2011
Whoa! Week 37 of project 365 and the blog has been going strong for a whole year. Thanks everyone! September 17th, 2011 Self Portrait while Apple Picking! (this print is now available in my shop) September 18th, 2011 Golden Swiss Chard at the farm. (this print is also available for purchase). September 19th, 2011 Back […]
project365: week thirty six September 10th, 2011 – September 16th, 2011
September 10th, 2011 We were up to our in ears in canning tomatoes. September 11th, 2011 The Tomato Queen came up with this outfit all by themselves. September 12th, 2011 A teaser gift of heirloom apples and pears from the orchard we raided this past weekend. Photos to come soon! September 13th, 2011 The best […]