Rebecca’s 2nd birthday was a smashing success, with splashing, swimming, bubbles and some pretty good food if I do so say so myself.
This is just a quick post to share our simple menu and a few cute photos that I couldn’t resist posting. For our guests, I’ll be sending you the photos of your families in the next few days since I can no longer keep track of who loves having their pictures here, who simply tolerates it and who’s husbands can’t stand it.
An old bed sheet and some daylilies with mint from the garden in your mother’s old vases can do wonders for your porch. Ryan and I made the bunting together last year for her first birthday, We sewed at night, out on the deck in the Toronto summer heat so we didn’t wake her up.
By using the chalk board as a menu/back drop/cover up for our unfinished reno we were able to accommodate a variety of food restrictions, allergies and vegans. Lots of vegans.
When we were on a strict elimination diet I would have loved to have gone to a party or picnic where 1st of all Rebecca and could eat something. Its really truly dreadful to go somewhere and not have anything to eat and 2nd to have not had to spend the whole time trying to figure out what I could possible eat. So we simply kept the menu vegetarian and labeled all the foods based on their vegan/gluten free/soy free/nut free status. I even got to draw cute pictures of carrots.
Salad #1 Our Yogurt Dill Curry Mustard Potato Salad. Not Vegan, but delicious. Also clearly labeled as such.
Salad #2 Peas + Zucchini + Dill + Olive Oil & Lemon Juice is pretty much the best thing in the world. Add Feta if you’d like. This one was gone in ten minutes.
Salad #4 Quinoa & Chickpeas with beets garlic and mint. Cook your Quinoa, then add chickpeas, then saute with garlic and mint. Add cooked beets. Voila. Babies love Quinoa.
Last but not least, Salad #5. Having a large number of nursing mothers in attendance I thought it was only fair to serve up the fennel salad from this post. Keeping seasonal, we switched the fiddleheads for mushrooms.
Then 6 toddlers and babies jumped in the pool in their best clothes and giant water-loged cloth diapers. They all had their bathing suits with them but didn’t give any warning what so ever.
After an outfit change into her pinafore from the lovely bohdi handmade on etsy we had 100% organic Angel Food Cake from my grandmother’s Joy of Cooking. Served with whipped cream, cottage-made jam and perfect Ontario Peaches. We also had some fruit salad and peaches for those who needed an alternative.
Then there was some of this followed by another toddler wading pool party.
Then some of this. What good little monkeys. A good time was had by all.
Beautiful food! So glad that chalk board is being used : )
Happy birthday Becca!
Ooooh, all of the food looked delicious! I'm marking that pea and zucchini salad for next week. So glad everyone had a fun time.
Your food looks outstanding! I must try that pea and zucchini salad…yum!!
I love simple BD parties like this…much better (imho) than the loud prefab ones you get at the party places.
Your daughter is gorgeous, as is the food. I'm bookmarking the zucchini/pea salad too. Happy Birthday Rebecca!
Awww, Rebecca got an ooh ooh ahh ahh, that's my youngest favorite!! Speaking of which while he's sleeping George is going to get a bath, lol!
What a wonderful party! I had to do the elim diet for my kiddo too, and there is still a long list of things we can't eat. Parties are tough. This menu looks amazing.
The link to the fennel salad is brokenness I need to send it to my friend. Plus what a great party that was.
Should be working now, but here it is just in case: