Is there anything better than eating piles and piles of in season, local asparagus? My favourite way to prepare it is grilled on the bbq.
After washing your asparagus, simply snap off the ends with your hands. I find it satisfying.
While it’s still a little wet, pour a few tablespoons of olive oil over it, along with a hearty teaspoon of Herbamare. Herbamare is simply sea salt with dried herbs and it’s a staple around here. Add some closed chive blossoms with thick stalks and squeeze a lemon over it.
Grill everything including the squeezed lemon wedges on a fairly hot bbq (450). Serve as a side dish, grill up extra for tomorrows omlet or salad and enjoy a delicious veggie at the height of the season. If you have extra chive blossoms, break them apart and sprinkle them over. The purple flowers with the green stalks are striking and everyone likes being served edible flowers for dinner.
Disclosure: I receive compensation from A.Vogel for including Herbamare for this post. This is a product we know and use in our kitchen regularly. The opinions on this blog are my own.