So jump ahead a month from our lovely and impulsive drive to Keswick, Ontario. We bought our amazing press from an Italian wine maker with a killer vegetable garden and now we’re at the farm. Sigh. The farm and its amazing apple trees that are having an amazing season in Prince Edward County. Sigh.
Two days before cider pressing day, piles of gorgeous crab apples showed up from our old Leslieville dog park friend Susan.
Then the organic cranberries went on sale post Thanksgiving. So I bought 8 pounds. Now we’re on to something.
So many apples. 6 bushels went towards cider, so 250 pounds in all.
Honestly, we didn’t have a clue what we were are doing despite two months of research now and a bad test run in September.
After a ton of trouble shooting, we have the first real flow of cider!
drip, drop.
It’s pink!
It flows!
Another mistake I made was that I had froze some chopped apples to protect them from the beasts. The cold is supposed to help with the taste but they really needed to thaw before we pressed them, Frozen apples turn into hard masses that are colder than the universe when you press them. It’s dreadful.
And a good time was had by all!
So after a taste, it all went in my grandfather’s carboy along with some camden tablets. Two days later we added a champagne yeast starter and things are bubbling away happily.
PS We are taking all cider advice so if you have some, please pass it on
Awesome! I love watching these and so wish I was your neighbor!! XOXOXO
Laura, you are my hero! Now it's time to find a cider doughnuts recipe!
AAA! I want someeee!!
It's fun to see the process. My gosh.. I'm so thirsty right now!
What a great experience with yummy results.
Thanks for sharing these great photos, I enjoyed watching the whole process!! Looks like the end result was very yummy!!
This is fantastic! I'm so impressed!
This is so funny because we went through almost the exact same process! It was our 1st year making cider too, and ours is happily bubbling away as well as I write this. So fun to see someone else in the same head space! (I blogged mine too if you are curious to see pics!) I wish ours was pink though!
What a fantastic post to share! I could almost taste it! Looks like a venture well worth the time and effort.
Very cool Laura!! I love the dog sneaking in!!
Perfect ending too! 😀
We are also crazy people who own a cider press but no apple trees. Fortunately the man who sold it to us was very instructional.
First, he advised not to press apples until you can plunge your thumb through them, i.e. let them get soft and mushy on their own. We usually pick in October and age the babes in the garage until November when they are soft.
Second, our cider press has a grinder. It helps a ton – no cutting or chopping at all. In a pinch, a friend used his sausage grinder for apples, so you could try that if you have a meat grinder.
Third, our hard cider aged forever, like three months in the carboy. We racked off and let it clarify for another month or so before bottling. Then it needed to age in the bottle for four months before it was drinkable. Now, a year later, it is fan-freaking-tastic.
Happy cider making!!
YAY — another cider-maker! We are making cider for the second time and I'm chronicling it here:
Like Rachel, ours took a bit longer than it sounds like yours will, as we, too, rack off for clarity and then we sparkle it (I just prefer sparkling to still). Last year it was ready about the end of January and was fantastic.
I'm looking forward to comparing notes!!
man i need a back yard.
this was great!
i like seeing the press, the blocks go down, up, down…
Ugh, you are so far away! I would love to come have some of your cider! Looks like a fun project.
Thank you for linking up at Tutus & Tea Parties this week!
I love the addition of the cranberries. And that you had time to take all these lovely photos. It's going to be so good!
So awesome. This is my boyfriend's first year making hard cider out of actual cider instead of apple juice concentrate (now that I work at an orchard here in PA and harassed him about it); this just makes me want to get a cider press for us next year.
Thanks everyone! Just catching up now
To answer a good question, our yield was really low. About 54 Litres and about half what we were expecting.
@Vanessa We would have a good time as neighbours! Feel free to move to Canada any time
@Sarah I totally want to make donuts!
@Rebecca I can't believe how much we have in common! I love your photos.
@Rachel The advice to wait until they are softer makes sense. We had a dry summer though so I think that's part of why the juice output was so low. The sausage grinder is a great idea. I think you're right and we'll be waiting longer than we thought
@KitchenNinja I love your cider post and I think you're right. We won't rush the process. To sparkle it I think we're going to add some honey.
@tiff you can come over anytime!
@Julie that's why we had extra help! I need to wrangle camera and toddlers at all times!
@Navi Do it! Craigslist!
@everyone else, thanks so much for your encouragement. We are having a very good time
Laura, how AWESOME! I have a question…..can you ship to NH?
Being a Dubliner, Gar LOVES hard cider.
Wonderful seeing the process. That was a lot of work.
Great video!
We have lots of apples and a large press and have thought of doing the same. Have seen where a garbarator built into a table makes quick work of chopping apples. Question; please explain how you placed in the cheese cloth into the press. Any tricks you could pass along? I’ve also read you can use curtain sheer material for pressing.