This is it, the last of this year’s scapes. I picked them last night, gave a handful to a neighbour who has been eyeing them, had Ryan roast some up with potatoes for last night’s dinner, and this afternoon I’ll turn the rest into this pesto with arugula and kale from the garden.
Combined with my grandmother’s pan and cutting boards from Timber Green Woods I can’t stop taking pictures. It’s a bit of an addiction.
Here are some of my favourite scape posts from around the internet. I’ve also been pinning scapes all over pinterest.
What are some of your favourite ways to enjoy these pretty and delicious garlic shoots?
Well Preserved’s Pickled Garlic Scapes and Pesto.
Shana’s roasting hers over on Folks Gotta Eat.
Young Urban Farmer’s are making vegan scape pesto.
I haven’t tried anything but tossing them with olive oil and a bit of sea salt, and putting them right on the grill. My family is crazy for them, they’re so tasty!
This pizza recipe sdnous great & thanks for the Pesto recipe for using the CSA garlic scapes! I’m excited about the parchment paper tip for baking pizza on a stone fabulous idea!!I haven’t used my stone in a long time due to lack of success getting it on & off without squishing or sticking!