I like photographing tomatoes almost as much as I like eating them. To wake up before everyone else at the farm and get to have a quiet cup of coffee and change lenses in peace is my idea of heaven. Here are some more photographs of this year’s tomatoes. The seeds are fermenting and we are hoping to offer the seeds from these heirloom varieties in the shop for 2013.
Reistomate Tomatoes. They grow in clumps that you can pull off & eat one at a time. I cannot get over how amazing these are. Rebecca picked every single one, she couldn’t help herself.
Italian Noire Tomatoes. These are quickly becoming my favourite tomato and it’s difficult to save the seeds because I keep eating them all. They are so flavourful, they don’t even need salt.
Red Pear Cherry Tomatoes are a classic heirloom that we grow every year. The perfect tiny tomato.
Tim’s Black Ruffles. So many ruffles and delicious to boot.
These are particularly perfect on a sandwich with basil, which I’m off to make right now.
I’m thinking about you on this sunny afternoon. Beautiful weather for backyard birthing – all the best, hope it’s soon for you.
Thanks Alison! Ended up in the living room