Mac & Cheese, an essential autumn comfort food is really not much harder to make for real than out of the box. The recipe our family uses started out with the Moosewood version but has changed a bit over the years. I highly recommend any of Mollie Katzen’scookbooks; the recipes are delicious, vegetarian and very easy to follow. I grew up with The Enchanted Broccoli Forest
and personally don’t think you should even attempt vegetarianism without it. Well, the good sort of vegetarian, not the kind in 1st year college where you eat vegetable flavoured Mr. Noodles and bread for dinner every night. Or Kraft Dinner for that matter.
Once everything is nicely coated, pour into your buttered baking dish.
Here it is, a little overdone, but delicious and cheesy. At my house I insist that we eat at least one vegetable with it, but really that’s your call.
Is it true that you don't have to cook the noodles first? Macaroni and I will make it this weekend!
Yes! so easy! And here's a good link about cast iron pans and iron absorption for you too:
That looks so good. I love my edges all brown and crusty like that…perfectly done in my opinion!